In determination to ensure a better service delivery from the Police Service Commission and Nigeria Police Force the Chairman of the Police Service Commission, Dr. Solomon Arase, CFR, retired Inspector General of Police has called for assistance in the area of training and capacity building for staff of the aforesaid.

The Chairman of PSC, Dr Arase spoke in Abuja when he received in audience, visiting Deputy Assistant Secretary, United States Department of State, Mr. Tobin J. Bradley.

Mr. Bradley was at the Police Service Commission with Mark T. Hove, African Programme Officer, Office of Africa and Middle East Programmes of the US Department of State to discuss areas of assistance and partnership with the Commission especially in capacity building. A statement released by Ikechukwu Ani the Head of Press Media and Publicity has confirmed.

It should be noted that one of the pet project to reposition the Police Service Commission in monitoring Police activities and up the bar of effective policing is the establishment of the Police Compliance Monitoring Unit, It should be recalled that since the emergence of the former Inspector General of Police Dr Solomon Arase as Chairman of Police Service Commission he has been ensuring the efficiency of the unit and canvassing vigorously for the success of the laudable project.

In the statement released, ‘Dr. Solomon Arase invited his visitors to also assist the Commission strengthen its recently established Compliance Monitoring Unit, a Unit dedicated to Monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of the Police Complaints Response Unit.
He noted that the Commission’s Compliance Monitoring Unit needs support in various areas including training and provision of equipment.’

The Chairman, Dr. Arase said the Staff of the Commission also need training exposures in the United States in the form of exchange programmes, train policemen on investigative skills and effective prosecution of cases to enable a vast oriented staffs understand the rudiments and challenges in building very professional entity in accordance to global setting.

The visiting US official, Mr. Bradley in his response promised to get his office to key into the requests of the Commission, adding that they are interested in working with the Commission.
” We need an effective and efficient Police service in Nigeria and we are aware there is need for funding assistance. ” We have to identify the needs, know the budget and we can progress into training of the manpower”, he was quoted as saying.

Mr Bradley said the Department was ready to support Police Colleges in Nigeria such as the Police Academy so that it achieves its objectives. The document signed up by the Spokeperson of the Police Service Commission Ikechukwu Ani has said.

Prince Tunde Aiyekooto

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