The plover bird is the friend of the crocodile.

The crocodile needs after each meal of its fatty meals to keep its teeth from the remnants of food that remain in them, which can remain for long periods of time to harm the crocodile.

But it is a wonderful creation of God to grant this crocodile and help him with it’s own skilled dentist, who is known as the plover bird. ‎

This little bird hovers in places where crocodiles are present, and as soon as the crocodile finishes eating its meal, it opens its mouth so that its little dentist stands on its lower jaw and brushes its teeth very skillfully from the remnants of food, so the bird gets a delicious meal, and the crocodile gets clean teeth! ‎

Who taught this crocodile not to close its mouth on the plover?!

This is free reciprocal relationship.

Who taught the bird to stand on the mouth of the crocodile with such boldness, knowing that it will not eat it?

God is awesome ????

Moving forward, We all can learn some lessons from the mutually beneficial relationship between the Plovers and the Crocodiles

The mutually beneficial relationship between the Plover bird and the crocodile offers valuable lessons that can be applied to various aspects of life as an Indiduals, Families, Unions, Association even as a Nation .

Here are some key lessons we can learn from this unique natural partnership:

  1. Collaboration and cooperation: The Plover bird and the crocodile demonstrate the power of collaboration and cooperation.
    The Plover bird picks food scraps and parasites from the crocodile’s teeth and gums, benefiting from a source of food, while the crocodile benefits from improved dental hygiene. This symbiotic relationship highlights the effectiveness of working together towards common goals, even in unexpected partnerships.
  2. Trust and mutual dependence: The Plover bird and the crocodile rely on each other for survival. Trust is a fundamental element in their relationship, as the Plover bird must trust that the crocodile will not harm it, and the crocodile must trust that the bird is providing a valuable service.
    Building trust and recognizing the mutual dependence between individuals or entities fosters stronger, more fruitful relationships.
  3. Expanding possibilities through diversity: The Plover bird and the crocodile have different strengths and capabilities. Their partnership allows each to leverage the unique attributes of the other for their own benefit.
    Embracing diversity and recognizing the value that different perspectives and skills contribute can broaden possibilities and lead to innovative solutions.
  4. Recognizing interdependence in ecosystems: The Plover bird and the crocodile demonstrate the interconnectedness of ecosystems. Their relationship illustrates how different species rely on each other for survival.
    This serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving and respecting ecosystems, as disruptions to one element can have cascading effects on others.
  5. Finding opportunity in unlikely places:
    The partnership between the Plover bird and the crocodile shows that opportunities for mutual benefit can arise in unexpected places.
    By having an open mind, been humble been honest and embracing new possibilities, we may discover valuable partnerships or solutions that were previously unseen or overlooked.
  6. Creating win-win situations: The collaboration between the Plover bird and the crocodile exemplifies a win-win situation, where both parties benefit. Seeking win-win outcomes in our own interactions and relationships can lead to more sustainable and fulfilling results for all involved.
  7. Balancing risk and reward:
    The Plover bird takes risks by entering the crocodile’s habitat to feed, but the potential reward outweighs the risk. This teaches us the importance of carefully evaluating risks and rewards in various situations, understanding when it is worth taking a chance, and being mindful of the potential benefits. In summary, the unique relationship between the Plover bird and the crocodile offers us all a valuable lessons in need for genuine collaboration, trust, diversity, accommodating, interdependence, and embracing unexpected opportunities.

By applying these lessons to our own lives, association and families, we can foster stronger relationships, find innovative solutions, and create mutually beneficial outcomes.


Chief Ochuko Umukoro
Senior Counselor MC
The Parrot Reporters

Prince Tunde Aiyekooto

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