I know most of my parents out there might disagree with this particular document as it might go contrary to their own view but trust me when I say this, Your view can’t change the fact as Facts are the constant while opinions and views are variable.

My name is Mr Excel, and I entered the educational world way more than a decade ago and been a modern teacher and a privileged father that was trained in the art of seeing beyond the peripheral I’ll advise you consider my counsel objectively.

Most parents sees sending a child to school as the ultimate achievement forgetting the fact that learning in school is just a fraction of a child’s life compare to what your child learns at home.

Now it will interest you to know that I am not saying going to school is not significant as matter of fact every child deserves education free at all levels but that there are other aspects of a child’s life that if neglected, his or her supposed acquired education will be nothing but a puff of smoke in the air.

Take for instance, what will be the outcome value of PhD education to a child that later became a “Marlian”??

How did he/she became a Marlian!!

Please follow me as we journey down the lane of this write up and you will find out.

Who is a ~Marlian~ for the benefit of parents that might not be familiar with the above term. Marlians are called no manner gang after the order of a popular singer called Naira Marley in Nigeria which has gained acceptance in the world even in your wards school but National TVs won’t play his songs on air due to the heavy erotic content and language of his songs but your dstv and gotv plays it on a constant.

Now you might be wondering how your own God fearing and gentle looking children might come into this picture.

Nothing else than your neglect of the other aspects of your child’s life.

I one’s posted a write up titled CALL TO PARENTS, if you still have it I’ll advise you go over it again for clarification on how a child’s other aspects of life really matters.

Most parents are Mr Noah, know it all.. they are experts in all areas, even if you advice them, you are just wasting your time, they know what they want to do..

Even if you are that kind of parent, just follow me and be aware of some of the danger your decisions can pose.

I’ve heard boys of Jss1 at the age range of 8-10yrs old saying they are going to boarding school to start their secondary school or some wants to go by Jss2 while some Jss3 and I keep asking myself, can this come from their parents or it’s just the child’s fantasy..

I was shocked to find out it was their parents decisions

I’m not trying to be an enemy or a critics of boarding schools but if I have my way, I’ll scrap boarding school and only allow it for SS3 classes in preparation for their senior WAEC.

Most parents do not know the danger of sending your tender aged children that are your future to a place of mixed personalities..

Are you aware that children learn more by observing rather than by teaching!!

Please do you know the homes each child in those hostels came from and what they see when they get back home for holidays!!

Let me shock you, A case I settled during a counseling session with a young princess reveals that she practically watches pornography anytime she’s at home for free on her father’s phone and system because the father is an hotel bouncer and the mother works at a night club.

Now whenever she gets to school she starts explaining how it’s been done to her bunk mate and on several occasions they’ve actually practiced it..

Another child, has a divorced mom that always come home with all manner of female friends and the girl eventually caught her mom In an act of lesbianism and since then had been flirting and practicing with her room mates that sees it as what is in vogue.

I can’t keep counting..

Another boy just developed picking things that doesn’t belong to him and the parents found out a boy in his hostel has been an unrepentant ‘Swiper no swiping’ after the order of the fox in Dora the explorer.

Please is it laziness or lack of time for your children that are your future or what will make you commit your gems upbringing into the hands of hostel mate or an hostel master or mistress that also have their own life to look after!!

How many times do they spend with them in a day?

Most children mastered the art of been secretive and pretense from boarding school.

They will be so innocent at home and deceived the unsuspecting money conscious parents that release them to be taught from outside at their tender age.

Some parents believe they still have the relationship of mother and daughter, father and son thing with their child and they will be saying with pride that my child does not hide anything from me. Well-done Super parents, if you allow God to show you or I sit you down to tell you things going on, I pray you don’t pass out.

I’ve always had this as my life philosophy that “Intelligence and Talents can take you up there but your attitude and character is what will keep you there”

Please apart from forcing them to read and write what else do they inculcate in them!

They need you as their parents to teach them and take them through the lessons of life and how to be a blessing to their world and not a curse..

How to develop great personality and how to be kind.
How to be mentally, emotionally, physically and psychologically upright.

How to control their Adolescent age and it’s demand for Christ sake which school has such mentoring as part of their curriculum or do you think it’s by doing CRS and Theology subjects!!

How to be godly, how to live a life pleasing to God, if you don’t teach them, the world will be so glad to teach them for you.

Meanwhile your thoughts that boarding school will make a child sit up academically is just a fiction of your imagination.

Most great children are day school children from a discipline family.

Don’t be surprised when you see your child advocating for going to boarding school, something enticed him..

I’ve heard some parents says, “But I went to boarding school and I wasn’t terrible”.

I’ll like to ask you, was it the boarding school that didn’t make you terrible or you are the one that chose not to be terrible..???

Also what our children sees now when they come home and how the world suggest immorality at every corner to them, was that the way it was back then??

Don’t release a half baked adult into the society that would bring trouble to both their family and the nation at large..

The change we desire starts with us.

Look at your decisions again and let God guide you.

I pray we won’t be out own children’s undoing by chasing money and commiting our future (children) to the hands of the world by the grace of God.

God bless you
©~PrinceExcel T. M Jai yesimi

Ewaoluwa Jay-Osuya

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