People Run Away Because We Preach The Truth – Pastor Mrs Irhabor

The founder of God’s Kingdom Embassy Church, Pastor Mrs Josephine Irhabor has revealed the purpose and expansion of God’s Ministry. The strong and versatile Pastor whose voice echo across the globe with her untiring recorded voice messages adhering to spreading the gospel through social media caught the attention of our correspondent, Aiyekooto Reporters where she revealed about the fastest growing ministry in Itele ,Ogun State, Nigeria.

In a very excited mood she’s give glory to God Almighty for His Faithfulness in the past years and enjoy walking with Him.

Church History

The God’s Kingdom Embassy Church was founded in December 2012 in a sitting room! Nevertheless the received of the Holy Ghost was in a Upper Room at Jerusalem, She said. Therefore, under the distinctive instruction of the Lord Almighty, Rev Dr Bartholomew Asanya ordained me as a Minister of God as Pastor Mrs Josephine Irhabor in the year 2009.

My father in the Lord through the Holy Spirit of God prophesied to me to start my Ministry right inside the sitting room. As instructed, I seek the face of the Lord on direction and guidance for the establishment of the ministry. “And the Lord answered me and gave me the name: God’s Kingdom Embassy, a.k.a. God’swill Sanctuary”.


The challenges were enormous as I am to embark on a full time Ministry. The implication was that I have to resign from my well paid job , start with absolutely nothing in the sitting room. The family was very supportive especially my soulmate husband Evang. Thomas Irhabor and being led by the Holy Spirit I was able to obey decisively. The product of the faithfulness relocated the Church.


The faithfulness of God is unquestionable and mercy insurmountable, moving from the sitting room to the present location is the divine and obedience to God’s words and purpose. The church is now suited at No 4, Morenike Abebi Badmus Avenue, Ayetoro Itele, Ota, Ogun state, Nigeria and notably one of the fastest growing church in the present site despite standing firming with divine instructions.


Jesus Christ in the establishment of the ministry of God didn’t excuse the church ministrations and services with signs, wonders and testimonies of breakthrough to His glory. The Church is noted for strict and undiluted messages. This has helped in no small measure to rekindle the fire of God dwelling in the Ministry.

Today, we clock a Decade as a church, while the present location of the church site was donated by my amiable husband Evang Thomas Irhabor. He stood and believe in me and in the calling of God upon my life; that I am a great vessel in God’s hand. The church celebrated ten years in December 2022 to the glory of God Almighty.


One uniqueness in God’s Kingdom Embassy is that it is a church where Truth is sacrosanct, We preach the truth of the gospel that many don’t like to hear, unfortunately, they run away from the Truth. Many have run away from the Church because we stand on the Truth of God’s Word.

The Bible says; “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free’ (John 8:32-36).

“For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost” (Rom.14:17).

We teach the Truth so that God will be glorified. God’s Kingdom Embassy, a. k.a. God’swill Sanctuary is a Church, where the Holy Spirit is the Executive Head, Who directs, guides, teaches, leads and reveals all to us for the perfecting of the Saints and the body of Christ at large. We will remain resilience and steadfast in the word of God till eternity.

The VISION is to deliver souls from the kingdom of darkness into God’s Kingdom to be able to partake in God’s divine nature.

The MISSION is to raise holy people who will come into their inheritance and fulfill God’s will for their lives and makes heaven as we teach and preach the gospel.

CORE VALUE is righteousness and holiness, constantly and deeply rooted in Christ, because it is written “Be ye holy for I am holy” (1 Peter 1:16).

MOTTO: I Am Unstoppable, Heaven is My Limit.


God has promoted us beyond our wildest imagination. To Him be all the glory. We can testify that there is power in the Word. According to Matthew 6 :33; ” But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” God is faithful! We are working tirelessly in His vineyard with the passion to win souls for Christ and to set the captives free through that Great Name of JESUS.

Prince Tunde Aiyekooto

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