Over 500 Muslims meet Christians at Christmas Church service in Kaduna

At Christmas; hundreds of Muslims attended church service in kaduna to promote peace and unity. 

A statement at the weekend, stated that  “as the world celebrates Christmas day which marked the birth of Jesus Christ, some Muslims  also joined their Christian counterpart toward  the celebration at Kaduna church  with the aims of promoting peace ,love and religion tolerance”.

The General Over seer of Christ Evangelical and Life Intervention Ministry Sabon Tasha Kaduna South ,Pastor Yohanna Buru  expressed satisfaction over the large turn out of Muslims Imams and youths from 7 Northern states that attended this year’s Christmas services.

He said despite security challenges bedeviling peace stability in the 19 Northern states of Nigeria,, and out break of Omicron variant of Covid 19 , and equally high cost of transportation ,hundreds of Muslims which include women and children’s,attended this year’s Christmas morning services with the aim of strengthening good relationship ,better understanding,  love and religious tolerance.
“This is the 10th year the church has been hosting Muslims from various states for Christmas celebration “,he said.
“Last year, the number of Muslims that attended the church services  outnumbered the Christians, and this year also many Muslims attended the church services

“Over 500 muslims from Kaduna,Kano,Zamfara,Katsina, Abuja and Niger states joined us at today’s Christmas service to promote peace and unity”
“We have counted them one by one and got 525 Muslims that attended today’s sermon. “

“All the muslims that attended the christmas service were from all islamic sects which included Tijjaniya,Shiiat,kadriyya and sunni.

” We must remember that we are created by One God, and we are the children of Adams and Eve, and we both have our holy scriptures (Bible&Qur’an)  from One God which guided us on how to live in peace and harmony with each other”.

Buru however,expressed worry over increased insecurity, daily bloodshed ,banditry, kidnapping, attack and ethnos religious killing across the North which affected the region in terms of education, agriculture,economy, and all sectors of human development.

He prayed to Almighty God to bring an end to the continuous killing of innocent citizens along high ways and other villages,while appreciating the effort of states and Federal Government for the deployment of security in some troubled zones.
The Man of God prayed for the Nigerian Military ,Police, and other volunteer para-military towards the success in all their peace mission operation across the world.

Buru said, the church cannot forget the contribution of Muslim women like Hajiya Ramatu Tijjani whose support to the widows and orphans ,were immeasurable. 

Responding,one of the Muslim scholars,Sheikh Ahmed Rufai said, this is not the first time of coming to celebrate Christmas with his friends in the church.
He said every Muslim world wide ,respect Jesus Christ and coming to the church to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ made him happy.

He said during the Moulud of birth of Prophet Muhammad, SAW, Pastor Yohanna Buru usually come to their mosques and celebrate the birth of the Holy Prophet with them.

He thanked the church for the free meal and other donations which the Pastor shares to all the Muslims that attended the church services ,saying that coming to church to celebrate Christmas doesn’t make him a Christian but to strengthen Christian and Muslim relationship for peace and unity among different faith based organizations.

Similarly, The District Head of Kurmin Mashi Kaduna  , Alhaji Rabo Abdullahi, said, he is happy to see the number of Muslim youths and imams that attended the Christmas service.
He said, it’s important for Muslims and Christians to always live together in peace and harmony.

Hajiya Sumayya Gali ,a Muslim lady,  said they attended the church service because PastorYohanna usually bring some of his church members to celebrate Maulud with them.

She prayed to Almighty God to bring an end to the spread of Covid 19, and called  on both Muslims and Christians to pray for the peace and unity of the nation.

Prince Tunde Aiyekooto

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