MY Tears, Blood, and Pains By Reuben Maikarfi

Special Tribute To DEBORAH SAMUEL

They came in tremendous number and dragged me out like a thief, I kept asking what have I done wrong, but I couldn’t get an answer then all of a sudden they started throwing stones at me and hitting me with different kinds of woods and metals, then I began to cry for help, I stretched out my hands to see if someone could grab me and take me out of this quagmire but unfortunately no help came to me.That was the moment I realized all hopes were gone, the beating and hitting intensify, I began to feel pains I have never felt all over my body, I thought I was sweating profusely but all I could see was blood dripping down my face then I went down on my knees crying, at this moment I began to fight for breathe the same breathe that I use to breathe freely but now became complicated.Then I saw death staring at me I try to elude him but I couldn’t then I felt the last banging hit on my head and now all I could see was total darkness, few minutes later I saw myself standing and watching my lifeless body with a large number of people around stoning and hitting my lifeless body, they were also chanting with a loud voice saying “set her ablaze!” “set her ablaze!”.I began to shout “please stop”, “please stop” at least let my family be able to see my corpse and also lay me to rest, but unfortunately no one could hear me then I saw how my lifeless body was set ablaze, I began to cry once again, yes I cried for the second time.Stayed and watch how my body was burnt to ashes then I left. That was the end of me. That was when I got to realize that the greatest tragedy is not just death, but getting to leave this earth without accomplishing your purpose especially being in an hopeless situation, and watch how your fellow humans use their hands extrajudicially to take away your life, dreams, ambitions, and aspirations.To my Mummy, Daddy, Brothers, Sisters, and Friends I’m very sorry to have left you this way, it wasn’t my wish it was my country that failed me.I pray justice will be servedI pray this will be the beginning of a turnaround in my countryI pray the people I left behind will now prioritize humanity before religionI pray this will never happen to anyone againI pray you all find peace and live in harmony.Goodbye, till we meet again.NB: whoever says “I love God” yet hates his brother, he’s an outright liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen can not love God, whom he has not seen…Peace..:- Reuben Maikarfi

Ewaoluwa Jay-Osuya

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