Lawal Ridwanullahi Adelani born with deadly disease survives, bags 4.50/5.00 first-class in Chemistry

A young man named Lawal Ridwanullahi Adelani who battled with a deadly skin disease while he was still a child has beaten all odds as he graduates University of Ilorin, Nigeria with a 4.50/5.00 first-class Chemistry degree.

Lawal Adelani obtained his bachelor’s degree in Chemistry with a 4.50 over a possible 5.00 cumulative grade point. He said in a recent interview that he was diagnosed with skin disease when he was a child which resulted in his parents abandoning him in a room with the hope that he would die.

He mentioned that though his parents spent a lot he did not get better, but through God’s miracle, he got better and regained his health back. Adelani said studying chemistry at the university was his initial dream.

Adelani said he tried the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination three times with hopes of studying pharmacy but did not meet the cutoff mark in any of the attempts. He stated that he then thought of a course that is closer to pharmacy and that was how he came about chemistry.

Adelani mentioned that because still had the intention to study pharmacy, he decided not to take his first year in the university seriously. Eventually, he met some of his colleagues turned friends whom they read, discussed, and exchanged ideas together and he later developed an interest in the course.

He said he emerged first-class starting from his second, third, and fourth year in the university which helped him to bag a first-class cumulatively. Adelani said he wanted to do well in chemistry because there’s an aspect of pharmacy in chemistry too.

He expressed his gratitude to his lecturers stating that they motivated and prepared them well and he is sure that with his knowledge in chemistry, he can do a lot of professional work.

Adelani said his goals are to become a lecturer and to help the nation with innovations. He added he wishes to further his postgraduate studies in the field to acquire more knowledge to help him achieve these goals.

Prince Tunde Aiyekooto

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