Junior Police Legal Officers, Other Certificate Holders Status Will Be Reviewed – PSC Chairman

The Chairman of the Police Service Commission, Dr. Solomon Arase, CFR, former Inspector General of Police has promised to look into the status of qualified lawyers serving in the Nigeria Police Force and appearing in Courts with the ranks of Corporals, Sergeants and Inspectors. He also said the cases of other junior Police Officers who acquired additional certificates in other disciplines while in service will also receive the attention of the Commission. Dr Solomon Arase CFR has said over the weekend.

In a press released to the media , Ikechukwu Ani the Commission Spokesman has said that Dr Solomon Arase is of the opinion that better status bearer, promotions, renewed confidence will ensure better service delivery to the Commission, Nigeria Police Force and the country at large.

Dr Solomon Arase while hosting the leadership of the Unity Bar (Nigeria Bar Association Abuja Branch) led by their Chairman, Barrister Afam Okeke hinted that it debased to note that police officers who enlisted and improve themselves while in service are still wearing junior ranks to court while carrying out their duties. He frowned on the sad development to the PSC Chairman Dr Solomon Arase, the Commission Chairman responded that the complaints is welcome but inform that reform is on the way for such officers who appears in court with corporals, sergeants and Inspectors ranks to defend the Nigeria Police Force as police lawyers and those that improved themselves while in service will be given prompts attention but will be sent on short service training to enable it place such officers in proper perceptions. He stressed further that the Nigeria Police Force need more lawyers hence this will enable the Commission come up with a win – win situation.

The reformist, PSC Chairman Dr Solomon Arase CFR used the opportunity of the courtesy call to advise practicing Lawyer’s to stop criminalizing civil matters “It is wrong and should be discouraged, civil matters should be treated as civil matters and arbitration should serve the parties and the society better”, Dr Arase has said to the visitors that they should stop wasting time in criminalizing civil matters and sending them to the Police when it can better be handle outside the Police.

Dr Arase, called for a robust legal system to restore confidence in the people. A strong legal system will inspires citizen to seek redress and justice. No citizen will seek redress where faith is lost in the legal system therefore it’s imperative to ensure a robust, strong legal system to ensure offenders of the law are arrested, punished and prosecuted in accordance to law this will enable it restore confidence in the people to seek redress in court of law.

He disclosed to the visitors the Commission newly Compliance Monitoring Unit that will ensure Police Complaints Response Unit to promptly response to public Complaints. “This will be under my direct supervision for effectiveness and efficiency. I will monitor the influx of informations to tackle the plight of the people in alacrity for effective Complaints management”, Dr Arase told the visiting Bar Association, Abuja.

The PSC Chairman Dr Arase, spoke extensively on the working collaboration with the Nigeria Bar Association to Training programmes on its staff lawyers on appreciation on Human Rights and to expose and boost public confidence in return for the benefits of all. He also assured that the Commission and staff lawyers will be participating in law week NBA Abuja Branch and National Body Convention in Abuja.

A delighted Barrister Afam Okeke and his team pledged their support and cooperation with the PSC Chairman Dr Solomon Arase CFR drive to reposition the Commission, the Spokesman said in the press statement released

Prince Tunde Aiyekooto

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