If I Die, Bury Me In America… Tony Enebeli

Tony , today mark another number to your age, new found hope.and destiny recovery.

Yes, you normally mark your escape from poverty, a testimony and witness to your mishap years while in Nigeria.

Yes, you decipher your life is being threatened with societal evil and failing standard of governance not suppose for a civilized society, as a Master Degree holder from the prestigious University of Benin you took a “Japa” walk.
You ran away to France, enroute United States.

You told me how the harsh economy situation in the country almost run you into the street as a societal beggar, you told me how you would have committed suicide if you had remain persistedly here, Yes, you strolled into the reminiscence of the past and you wrote off the country of your birth without a second consideration that Nigeria will be better than you left it.

You revealed your innermost secret that if reincarnation exist you will never return to Africa much more Nigeria! Yes you told me that you already written your WILL and your first chapter and page is “if I die, bury me in America”. You told me you already bought a land where you will be laid to rest if you die…! Awful I thought but your position is clear. You jokingly told me if reincarnation exist that you will wake up with the whites not your ancestors in Black Africa…!

You didn’t hate Africa you told me, you said to me you’re sad about the inhumanity melted to human by the system that suppose to protect them. You said to me, the political actors are so myopic and heartless than the Devil itself. You told me your heart bleed everyday towards survival of the poor. Sadly enough, Hell maybe better than Nigeria, Hell next of Kin is Nigeria if human , you said.

You told me that the road towards freedom is leaving Africa and live among normal people. That’s the beginning of salvation!

Too good for you, you spoke from Toronto, Canada your new base that you’re boarding the Aircraft to celebrate your birthday with your family.

However, I want to tell you that we are strong back home and we wake up with funny governmental policy . “Removal of fuel Subsidy”, “Backdoor restoring of fuel Subsidy”, ‘Niger Brouhaha”, “Nothing serious happening in Presidential Tribunal” “Atiku , Kwankwaso forming a mega party” seems to have lost hope, Peter Obi keep himself happy hopefully hoping for a better days ahead, the President Bola Tinubu just appointed almost 50 people recently, and got approval. Yet no solution in sight…

The good news is that we wake up daily that we are still breathing deep…

Whatever it is, you’re welcome to your new found country of hope. Too good for me… I have to let you click the glass of campaigne as you celebrate another hopeful and flourishing birthday with your family in Los Angeles

Happy Birthday Tony..

I never Japa,
Ben de Great

Prince Tunde Aiyekooto

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