The Brain Behind Great Aminu Foundation

It was a cool Saturday evening, Our Editor and correspondent made their way to the office of a man called Great Aminu not Aminu Kano but Great Aminu Foundation.

The front desk Executive, usher us in.

Good Evening Sir,

Pleasant Evening Gentlemen. I learnt you people want to see me?

This is Great Aminu what can we do for you . He asked without mincing words.

Can Nigerians meet you?

I’m Aminu Shaibu Abubakar of Great Aminu Foundation which was founded in December 20th , 2021. By the grace of Allah, I am the President. A graduate from Lagos State University and have other professional courses from different institutions.

What Are The Primary Purpose?

Succours to the poor , widow and the disadvantages in our midst they deserve to live happily by putting smiles on their faces, giving education to the less privilege and giving back confidence, alot more than that.

What Are The Inspirations?

Allah, just touched that not everyone smile so, why not put smile where there’s tears, hope where it’s hopeless, help where it’s absent. These are my motivation for Great Aminu Foundation.

What Are The Challenges?

Challenges abode everywhere. So the Foundation is no difference. We need our friends to sponsor us within and beyond to carry out activities, international donors to enable annual projects
We are already on mission to involve, Philanthropists, government agency/inter government agency to checkmate numerous challenges confronting the Foundation.

What Are The Projections?

The aspirations is simple, not until the weak become strong , until the foundation make life meaningful to those who feel they’re poison to themselves smiles, succours to African Women not untill then the projection is incomplete. The foundation has the human capacity to make it work.

Can You Tell Us More About The Great Aminu Foundation?

The Great Aminu Foundation

The main aim of Great Aminu Foundation is to uplift the lives of single women mainly widows and divorcees both socially and economically in a society by facilitating them to earn independent livelihoods for themselves and their children.

The Great Aminu Foundation a non-profit organization. It was established and registered with the Govt under the corporate law of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Therefore the aim and objectives of the Great Aminu Foundation are:

To provide social protection and assistance to widows & divorcees and enable them, to lead a quality life in society.

To support and strengthen the vulnerable segments of the society including women, minorities, disables and children.

To improve the condition of common person through access to quality health,
education and income generation activities.

To respond to any type of emergencies in any part of country through life saving operations and access to shelter, food and health facilities.

To develop effective linkage with government line agencies, non-government and donor agencies working for community’s development.

The foundation pride itself in bringing succour to discerning Nigerians across the divides, restoring hope where it’s lost, and rebuilds confidence.

The humanitarian projects is a noble idea of a compassionate Nigerian whose mission is to better humanity, whose life revolve round

The Great Aminu Foundation will continue to carry out it’s cardinal objectives and ensure that it extend tentacles with international non governmental organization

The foundation will collaborate it’s activities with global partners to build a strong bridge that will bring succours to African women

The foundation without delay will seek international donors to enable it finance and sponsor most of its humanitarian projects.

The foundation will organize workshop, seminars and international discourse on integration of the weak African Women

The Great Aminu Foundation holds it a sacred duty that the bridge of neglect must be cemented through the family ties mechanism and restoring confidence.

The Great Aminu Foundation will collaborates with inter government agency/ government agency within and beyond to make the world a better place.

It’s Great Meeting Great Aminu

The pleasure is mine Aiyekooto Reporters

Prince Tunde Aiyekooto

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