Aiyekooto Reporters Celebrate Nigerian Philomena

“Joyous miracle of Birth , Dark miracle of Death between the two, a life ,a destiny says Mawdo Ba”.

In the book “So Long A Letter”

The birth of a Nigerian phenomenon, a highly cerebral, distinguished Nigerian personality, a great reformist, a global masterpiece, patriotic, distinctive and czar of Police Service of Commission, above all a crusader of social justice.

The sky announced the birth of this colossal that epitomize hope for the ordinary, bridge between the strong and the weak little wonder, Dr Solomon Ehigiator Arase Foundation 2nd Annual Lecture comes with the Birthday to concise with the marvelous day.

Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon ’em. William Shakespeare said concerning his kind.

He work hard to epitomize what he is today and balance it with love for his country and man. He’s one of the finest cop in the history of the country which at a time he is the Inspector General of Police, a lawyer , a security expert and a global identity.

This unparallel philanthropist, unequal generosity, champion and hope for the hopeless transcend across the seven rivers of Edo State when he did what many couldn’t do in the seven local government areas of Edo South, in marking the birthday, in conjunction with , Dr Solomon Ehigiator Arase Foundation, twenty four children of deceased police officers of inspectorate cadre and other ranks who died in the line of Police duty in the entire seven local government was given scholarship awards and hope risen beyond their expectations.

Dr Solomon Arase is a great Nigerian , friend of the Nigerian media, including this media. He train the trainer, many are made through him, many are still in the making, voice of the needy, promoter of Police reform, a core policeman made in “heaven” , a man of distinguished personality, strong and focus Nigerian.

He’s the best among his contemporary, Chairman, Police Service Commission, Dr Solomon Arase, FDC, FCIArb, CFR who is still making statement with the synergy between the Commission and Nigeria Police Force, a capacity builder, an apostle of change and hope for the hopeless. The bridge and the most wanted for effective policing and policy formation.

VOAR Worldwide, Aiyekooto Reporters and The Parrot Reporters family wish you many more years to come. Congratulations on your special day – Birthday.

Prince Tunde Aiyekooto

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