After Independence, Africa has not been wise on how to deal with the West. Because of this lack of wisdom, we have seen more wars, underdevelopment and hunger since then. If Africa has to develope, we must stop blocking their way to our natural resources. We must be smart in our negotiations. For now we must not ask for more rights but equal rights. And the best method is the Mandela way.

Our approach has been to completely control what is ours. This is wrong because so far it has produced zero results. They still control how we sell our resources. The west determines at what price we sell them.

Some people will argue that Africa must not allow economic dictatorial tendencies of the west. However, which country has succeeded in doing so? Zimbabwe ‘s Robert Mugabe tried it. He got away power from the white farmers and chased them out. Where is Zimbabwe now?

Then Libya’s Gadaffi came up with a plan to unite Africa. During the reign of Gadaffi, Libya was supper rich and Gadaffi was no push over. He spoke with authority and the West was scared. But because he attempted economic emancipation, Gadaffi was attacked and his own people killed him as the whole Africa cheered on that a dictator has finally gone.

Kaunda also attempted economic freedom. He decided to go the Russian way and nationalised our industries. Kaunda chased whites from Zambia, which was not bad in a way for we wanted to control our nation. What happened? The West switched off the button of Zambia’s economy and evey thing was scattered. In no time the almighty Kaunda obeyed the law of gravity.

We have seen various leaders who have tried to gain control over our resources who have ended up dying while in power. Lervy Mwanawasa, Michael Sata and Tanzania’s Magufuli. There is no documented proof these died due to the influence of the West. But still their death is a great coincidence in that they all attempted to bring reforms.

All African countries with great Mineral resources have no peace. Look at what they have done to Congo DR? An extremely rich country but so divided and poor. Normalcy will return to Congo DR the moment its leaders change how to handle the West.

As things stand, Africa must follow the South African Model created by Mandela. When that country got independence, they forgave the whites and asked them to help run the country. Because of that, South Africa has remained the most industrialised country in Africa.

As a people we must chose life. And life is understanding that we don’t have the means to fight economic battles. Let us work with these people but just demand for mutual respect. If we try to block their way to our resources, they still have the means to get them even against our wish. The Zambian Times believes this is the only way out for now.

As for now, we don’t have the education, the technology and unity to have economic freedom.

Prince Tunde Aiyekooto

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