Glue To Our Share Vision, Arase To Personal Assistant

Remember Araseism Spirit As Core Value

Prays for divine blessing as Christians and Muslims observe Lent, Ramadan fast

Leadership is not by precept but by example. Certainly that’s what it entails. This depict the message echoed to one of the luckiest Personal Assistant in the history of the Police Service Commission.

When one is tutelage by a good leader then it is easier to remind such in a public fora. Hence this is the present circumstance depicted by Dr Solomon Arase CFR when whispering to the newly promoted Superintendent of Police. A student of Araseism in reminding him core value in professional policing and subsequent understudy he has gathered as his Personal Assistant and recorded success in Police Service Commission

The Chairman of the Police Service Commission, Dr. Solomon Arase CFR, retired Inspector General of Police, has extolled the uncommon qualities and commitment of his personal Assistant, Ukom Abam who was recently promoted from the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police to the substantive rank of Superintendent.

According to Dr. Arase while extolling his good quality said, he is impressed with his commitment to work and general disposition to assisting him deliver on his mandate to take the Commission to the next level.

Dr. Arase spoke when he decorated his Personal Assistant with his new rank of Superintendent of Police. He charged him to be steadfast on his commitment to “our shared vision” stressing that his dedication to national duty will not go unnoticed.

It should be recalled that the shared vision in the Araseism spirit has been the many giant strides the Police Service Commission has engaged in to better Policing in the country as mandated by the constitution establishing it.

According to him, the Commission will continue to ensure that promotions in the Nigeria Police Force must be defined, merit based and on seniority. He advised his aide to remain focused and continue to contribute his little quota to national security. This is Araseism in the elements of basic principles which is key secret to the development of things within the PSC and beyond.

“Dr. Arase has also prayed for divine blessings as Christians observe the Lent and Muslims the Ramadan fast”.

He said Nigerians should continue to pray for a new Nigeria as there is need for ,”us to assist government deliver on its mandate. ,” it is a collective responsibility and Nigeria must rise again” he admonished. We have to support the government to succeed. It is a collective responsibility” he noted

Prince Tunde Aiyekooto

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