Aftermath Of The Roaring King… Tunde Aiyekooto

Food For Thought

The King of the jungle, the strength, power , vigour, agility, speed, and hunting session is too extra-ordinary. It’s honour and reverend.

No matter how long it lives,the Greatest Lion will eventually die miserably. That’s the world. That is creation which cannot be challenged. Who will question what is beyond?

At their peak, it rules, decide, hunt, hurt, pursue and overtake, snatch, catch, grab, chase other animals, devour, gulp, and leave their crumbs for hyenas but age comes fast and time outlive them too.

The Old Lion can’t hunt, can’t kill, or defend itself. It roams and roars until it runs out of luck. It will be cornered by the hyenas, nibbled at, and eaten alive by them. They won’t even let it die before it is dismembered. The irony of nature , the superfluous of unquestionable creation.

Life is short. power is ephemeral. Physical beauty is short- lived, I have seen it in lions. I have seen it in old people. Everyone who lives long enough will become weak and very vulnerable at some point.

No matter how powerful, power is transient, power can’t last forever, it is temporal. The weakness of the foundation of power will certainly crept in irrespective of the maximum application of it. A lesson from the lion is enough testing ground for the wise.

“Power is a crazy aphrodisiac it makes men blind to see their shortcoming… Dele Giwa” of blessed memory once said. “Power is like a sweet sex you love going more than the first round. The more you pound , the more the ride and catch up with the savvy skill , the yearn for more”. That is Power.

However, the lion become weak at old, sex outlive men no matter how strong, therefore a lesson in life is that we should find a balance between the time of strong and weak, young and old, remember the ladder of up and down.

Time will tell with lessons learnt.
Let the wise , counsel . Kudos to the roaring lion and instant death to the old, feeble lion.

Prince Tunde Aiyekooto

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