Dead School With Four Students Brought Back To Life – Apostle Chibuzor

The Head and General Overseer of OPM Church in Port Harcourt River State, Dr Chibuzor Gift Chiyere has changed the destiny of people with his humanitarian services to people who are privilege to cross his line , the queer dispositions is the raising of a “dead school with four students back to life”.

Service to God and Humanity is key to life. It takes wisdom of God to restore hope and confidence. It has to flow in one’s artillery veins to be able to give.

This is the best scenario to describe Apostle Chibuzor Gift Chiyere magnanimity towards a village school, Ikwuorie Comprehensive Secondary School, Ohanku in Ukwa East local government in Abia state some few years ago.

In what seems unbelievable, Ohanku has just one secondary school accommodating only FOUR students . The malfunctioning secondary school was almost close down because of the ramshackle postulations and children couldn’t afford school fees, almost collapsing building structure, a very terrible precedent unfortunately this is where I hail from, Apostle Chibuzor has said.

It’s pathetic, immediately the negative narrative got to me, the state government and I had an understanding, ‘God used me to reconstruct the school, declared it free tuition fees from Junior secondary school to Senior Secondary School and the deserted school become home for all, Children from my village are now back to classroom with over four hundred students and still counting with capable Teachers from the State Ministry of Education midwifing and coordinating their statutory responsibilities.”

Today, “I woke up to see pictures of pocket of students of the school beseech my country home and doing sanitarian activities without soliciting for it. It’s an honour. “May Almighty God bless students of Ikwuorie comprehensive secondary school Ohanku for provoking my thoughts positively. It should be recalled that, only God can restore hope am only a messenger of His word, A bewildered Apostle Chibuzor told Aiyekooto Reporters.

Prince Tunde Aiyekooto

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